Aug 1, 2009

Scotty Iseri - You Can Do Anything!

I've been heavily addicted to Scotty Iseri's video blog, "Scotty Got An Office Job" (SGAOJ). The most incredible part is how much he was willing to put online: without naming the company or his profession specifically, Scotty made some very personal, very dangerous recordings for the sake of the show, including dancing in the office, answering viewer questions during meetings, and ultimately his termination.

I found him really late in the game, after Chris Anderson (author of "Free") tweeted about his video which made fun of Anderson's philosophy from the perspective of the small-time musician. I emailed Iseri to get the free download, and he checked out my twitter, because he talked about the Mother's Day video which I loved (reminded me of making my friend's proposal video in high school).

I should email him again.

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